Some more technology that needs to be develope

 1. Almost 90% of people use mobile phones. Almost all of them use the internet. There should be some basic things  and important things that a person needs to do in daily life that should come automatically on the front page, like information about water pollution and about basic rules to follow. Information about current govt, information about new technology and study materials and information about their culture and religion etc 

2. Technology should come about shoes having tyres  so that a person can move from one place to another place without money and fuel. The shoes should be in that type so that they can be  controlled easily and they need one thing. That is a flat road. 

3. The future generations will  depend on the mobile and it is naturally present in people that they will forget things . A new thing should be introduced that will help them to trace their mobile phones, not only mobile phones but other things as well.
