Importance of online advertising

Before we proceed remember one thing

(How much you achieve today will be directly proportional to your future more you achieve more the result is)

Now lets start 

 What actually online advertising is .

The online advertising plays an important role in growing the business .Now a days it is important for a company to advertise its product and is also an easy for company  to advertise with the help of  many plat forms like Facebook Instagram YouTube etc. 

The advertising gives the benefit for 3 persons 

1. The company :- company can grow more  than its expectations with the help of advertising

2. An individual diong advertising:- Any person who is advertising helps the company and also hepls the customers by giving its rewies and he also gets profit

3. The customers :- the customer easily gets what he was searching 

Diong online advertising with big companies like Amazon can give a lot of profit for any person it has been found that over 300 million users are connected with amazon.

How to advertise?

The best  and easy thing to advertise product is through social media . Almost 90 person youth are attached with this . A person should use of these platforms to do advertising 

And the one which I like is blog marketing I wil also recommend for users to do that It is simply advertising the product with the help of your blogs
